Grow Your Business by Helping Your Clients Get the Word Out!

If you’ve been in business for a while, then you know the power behind word-of-mouth marketing. There is nothing like your customers sharing their experiences in their own words to serve as a firsthand testimonial as to your quality of work, trustworthiness, and professionalism. Not only is it free but word of mouth is a barometer as to how well you are taking care of your clients and their rate of satisfaction. When you do a good job and ask for referrals you have created a winning combination that will help your business to grow beyond your wildest dreams. 😉

We all know that you do an incredible job but if you are having trouble in this department, never fear because there are things you can do to get the ball rolling.

Below are a few tips get assist you in helping your customers to get the word out about you and your business:

1) Do Your Homework – How in touch are you really with your clients? You think you know more than you really do, so the best way to get the scoop is to search online for what people are saying about you. This approach has a twofold benefit because you not only know what your customers are saying but you can also see if there are tweaks you need to make within your own marketing plan so that you are building brand awareness.

Another way to feel the pulse is to send out a brief survey to your current client base. Ask them questions like why they chose you and what you can do to make them happier. Create a survey which is fast and easy to answer with no more than five questions (each requiring them to write in their answer) and with the last one providing them the opportunity to elaborate in free flow style if they wish to comment with some additional thoughts. You’ll be surprised and shocked at the answers you receive because they will be removed from your own thoughts and perceptions.

2) Invite Wisdom – Ready to launch a new website or thinking about a new product? Why not ask your current clients for their feedback? You already know that they love your work so why not ask them to give you some insight as to what you are planning to do or are currently working on. There is something empowering when people are part of a bigger picture. Give your clients something to believe in other than their experience with you. If they see you growing and reaching for the stars, then they can’t help but be inspired. Make sure that you brag about their input as well because that will give them a sense of ownership that can spark ideas for their own business which will mean more business for you 😉

3) Ask – Not sure what happened to being straight forward but I’m finding that this can provide huge rewards if you are just willing to open your mouth. Your client thinks everything is fine how things are. You work together nicely, you handle all that is sent your way, and you have a plan that will help them to grow. The only thing that is missing is you letting them know that you need, not only their feedback but for them to also share what you’ve been doing with their own network but to also send over to those who they feel you can help. You are in business to grow and cannot afford to just hope your clients will do this on their own. By asking you are letting them know that you are wanting to grow and have the capacity to do so. There is no shame in conducting your business as a business. As the owner you need to seize any opportunity that will enable you to move to the next level. When you ask, you are letting others know that you are serious about your profession.

Keep in mind that this is a request. I have found that those who will do so naturally without any prompting but there are those who need a bit of a nudge. Then there are others… I had one client share that she didn’t tell others about my services because she didn’t want anyone to steal me away! Wow! I would never have known this but after our discussion I explained that more clients means that our businesses can grow together, and because we are growing together, I can stay in business. I believe too that part of her payoff for not telling others is that she had created a perception that she did everything on her own, which could be a reason someone doesn’t stand up and talk about their business and how much it has helped them. If you run into that situation, then there is nothing you can do but please don’t let the opportunity lie on the table without doing your part by asking.

4) Work in a Spirit of Gratitude – As you know we are not running a charity here. We are in the business to make money. I do, however, believe what goes around comes around. Just how generous are you with your own ability to promote your clients and talk about their business? Are you doing your part to ensure their success? This can be as easy as including client highlights in your newsletter or re-tweeting their posts or sharing their upcoming event in your business page. These types of activities only cost you your time but fostering a spirit of reciprocity can pay off well over the long term.

5) Reward Them  Keep it simple. When a client sends a referral your way be sure to write a thank you note and send them a gift card. The fact that you acknowledge and appreciate their effort. When you work in a spirit of gratitude then you can shift your experiences to the point where you will have a never-ending circle that creates a foundation for your business to grow. Help make that happen by always showing gratitude for all your business dealings. You’ll not only make your clients happier, but you will also attract the type of clients you most desire to work with.

Not only are the tips I’ve shared useful, but they are also FREE for you to execute! All that is required is your time and attention. I’ve built my own clientele just by word of mouth alone. No kidding. I didn’t do anything special. Just being consistent and fixing whatever I mess up 😉 People can feel your sincerity and if you’ve managed to maintain a good working relationship then you know how much easier it is to focus on the quality you provide then to always be searching for your next client. That is why I urge you to take all the steps above BEFORE you invest in another ad campaign. You already have a client base that you enjoy working with. Why not help them to help you to attract even more of the same? Continue to do great work and focus on what is right in front of you. Your current clients are a tremendous, so help them help you to take things to the next level. If you have even more ideas, please share in the comments box below. I’d love to hear about your own experiences and how you’ve been able to leverage the power of mouth-to-mouth marketing.

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