Mastering Life Balance: The Art of Looking at Life as One Continual Flow

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The challenge with living life well is figuring out how to effectively manage all of its moving parts. Whether you are working on your full or part time passion, there is a certain amount of juggling that comes in order to keep things going. What often happens is that you end up having to borrow energy and/or time from one area in your life to keep another area going. This merry-go-round can cause life to become out of balance, at times chaotic, and you may find yourself exhausted just trying to keep everything running smoothly. No one ever says it, but it takes a good deal of determination and persistence to bring things together and it all can become insurmountable at times. We often try different methods to find a solution, but old, ineffective patterns have a way of creeping back in. What if we took a different approach and started looking at life as one continual flow instead of a large sum of many moving parts? Yes, there are various aspects of life, but there is only one you: Voila, the common denominator!

One of the best gifts I gave myself was peace of mind. This response came about not too long after I started my business in early 2010, after having been forced to retire. My life changed quickly, and I had to figure things out fast. Being a full-time entrepreneur has its challenges. I was scrambling to make things happen while trying to make everyone around me happy. You can only go so long before you break, and as a result, my life became unbearable on so many levels that I decided to stop playing on that merry-go-round and to put my well-being first.

With commitment and dedication, you can bring a sense of peace that will keep your mind and spirit in check. By having a system that calms your nerves, keeps you empowered, and gives you some peace of mind (all of which play an especially significant role in success in business and life), you can accomplish all you need to in order to live life on your terms.

Here are a few reasons why it’s important to change things if you wish to have some type of order in your life. When we are at peace, we tend to foster deeper connections with friends and family – that’s the reason most people want to have money in the first place, to be able to provide for their family and be available for them when they need you the most. If you have no peace, this negatively affects your relationships as you become distant and
absent from them while focusing all your energy on the problems and challenges that are in front of you. When this happens, write down your goals and remind yourself why you’re working in the first place. This simple activity will ease and center your mind on the most important things in life, like family.

Another benefit of having peace in our lives is the ability to be more creative. No doubt, when you are under pressure and in a bad position – especially when it comes to financial obligations, debts, and loans that are coming due – it can be tough to stay creative. Most entrepreneurs start off their business acquiring debts to finance their operations and add a bit more capital to the business leading to additional pressure, especially when you’re approaching a deadline and you’re low on funds. Being in this type of situation takes a serious toll on your creativity, because your brain is unable to focus on creating more options for you to make money; rather, you are hyper focused on the impending doom. Peace of mind during this period is extremely important in helping you to remove yourself from the problem and to focus on possible solutions and setting realistic targets. Meditation helps to clear the mind, leading to self-improvement and freedom from the burden of daily challenges, as well as clearing your mind for setting goals and determining the actions to be taken these are all techniques to successfully maintain peace of mind during stressful situations.

Building up our confidence and self-assurance is another important benefit of having peace in our lives. Self-doubt is that next door neighbor waiting to strike at every second, and you cannot give them the opportunity to do so. The fact is entrepreneurs and business owners question themselves every time: “Can I meet up with this demand obligation?” It’s a constant series of questioning yourself and self-doubt that leads to you not taking the action you need to make your goals happen. Once self-doubt occurs, it’s like a ticket to automatic failure, which leads to more self-doubt and results in you taking less action. That’s why to stop this chain reaction from ever happening, any time you start doubting yourself, you can take some time out to gain some peace of mind and encouragement by reassuring yourself of what you’re capable of and building confidence to tackle the struggle and chaos in front of you. When your mind is at peace, you can take the necessary actions without fear to get the results that
you need.

Finally, keeping our dreams alive is another reason why it is important to maintain peace in our lives. There are no doubts that as an entrepreneur, you are going to face periods where it seems like your dream is dead and everything you have been working for is on the verge of extinction. This can be one of the most devastating things that can happen to a person, seeing their life’s work and everything they have labored for on the fire and ready to go up in flames. Having peace of mind has never been more important than at this moment: peace of mind ensures that you are not focused on what may be looming, but rather your mind is centered on what you can control, and you are at peace with whatever outcome.

What’s next? Now that you have some understanding as to the benefits of creating peace in your life, here are some practical steps for you to develop the practice of peace of mind in your daily routine of life. Some of these strategies may appear simple, but nonetheless, they are highly effective in building your inner peace, which wholeheartedly contributes to the success of your business:

Do not place expectations on other people; they are human just like you and are more likely to disappoint over time. Always base your expectations on what you can control, and you cannot control the decisions of other people 100% of the time.
Keep a positive and optimistic attitude when approaching the challenges of life, and always show gratitude to everyone that comes your way.

Accept and forgive other people’s mistakes; this alone will free you from harboring negative energy and will allow you to control your internal peace rather than handing it over to another person. Forgiveness means you let go of both the flaws of those that wronged you and the pain they caused you in the process.

Smile a lot more in business situations; this helps those who come into contact with you to be more optimistic. No one wants to do business with a grouch; however, a nice smile always wins people over. Share your gifts and talents even when you’re not getting paid to do so. I’ve discovered that when you lend a helping hand, especially to those that don’t have the capacity to pay you back, you are doing your part to balance what is out of balance in this world. Genuinely giving with a sincere heart can do wonders for your own creativity.

Don’t stop believing in your heart that you will become what you have set out to achieve. Keep on believing that your goals are within your reach and that you are more than capable of surpassing your goals.

Never trade your peace of mind for anything. No amount of money is worth losing what you’ve worked so hard to create. You must always keep yourself guarded, like the treasure you are, in order to continue the natural flow of peace, which will ensure success in your life and biz. My hope is that you will be encouraged to make the necessary adjustments to find peace, and that you will reach out should you need help in making it happen for yourself.

Take time for yourself regularly and focus on activities that bring joy and relaxation. Schedule in time for yourself to take a break from the hustle and bustle of your day-to-day life, regardless of if it’s a long vacation or a simple evening walk in the park. Find an activity that brings you peace and make it a regular part of your life.

Do something every day that brings you joy. Whether it’s having a cup of tea and reading a book, going for a walk, or taking a yoga class, make sure to take time for yourself to do something that brings you joy and helps to center you. Even if it’s just for a few minutes, it will help to keep your inner peace and bring balance to your life.

Surround yourself with positive people. Negativity has a way of draining your energy, so it’s important to be around people who bring out the best in you and make you feel good. Make an effort to connect with family, friends, and colleagues who will help to lift your spirits and bring balance and peace to your life.

No matter how busy life may be, it’s important to take the time to be mindful and take care of yourself. Creating peace in your life is a journey and takes practice, but it’s worth the effort. When you make peace a priority, you’ll be able to live life to the fullest and create the life you have always dreamed of.

Set aside time each day to be mindful and practice meditation. Taking even just five minutes out of each day to focus on your breath and be in the moment can help you to focus on the present, reduce stress, and bring peace to your life. Meditation doesn’t require any special equipment and can be practiced anywhere. The more you practice, the easier it will become and the more benefits you will experience.

Make time for the things you enjoy. Often times, our lives can get so busy that we forget to make time for the things we love. Whether it’s visiting with friends or going to a museum, make sure to schedule time for activities that make you happy. Doing things, you love on a regular basis will help to boost your happiness and make life more enjoyable.

Take care of your body. Taking care of your physical health is essential for overall wellbeing. Make sure to get enough rest, eat nutritious meals, and exercise regularly. Taking time to enjoy physical activities that you enjoy such as running, yoga, swimming, or biking can help to bring balance to your life.

One way to bring peace and balance to your life is to establish a daily routine. Taking time to do the same things in the same order each day can help to create a sense of stability and consistency. This can be as simple as setting a bedtime or starting your day with a cup of tea and stretching. Creating this structure can provide a sense of peace and bring rhythm to your life.

Another way to bring peace is to practice self-compassion. Too often, we get down on ourselves for not being perfect or not achieving certain goals. Learning to accept and love oneself is essential to living a balanced life. Try to be kind to yourself, practice positive self-talk and give yourself grace when needed.

Finally, find ways to connect with nature to bring peace and tranquility to your life. Scientists have found that spending time in nature can provide physical and psychological benefits. Even if it’s just for a few moments, taking time to sit on the grass or take a walk outside can help you to feel more connected and bring a sense of calmness.


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